Unlocking Interaction: A Guide on How to Enable Comments on TikTok

Comments on TikTok provide a platform for interaction and engagement, fostering a sense of community around your content. In this guide, we’ll explore the steps to enable comments on your TikTok videos, encouraging conversation and connection with your audience.

1. Navigate to Privacy and Safety Settings:

a. Open TikTok App:

  • Launch the TikTok app on your mobile device and log in to your account.

b. Access Profile:

  • Go to your profile by tapping on the profile icon located in the bottom right corner of the screen.

c. Go to Settings:

  • Look for the three vertical dots or lines in the top right corner of your profile and tap on them to access the Settings.

d. Select Privacy and Safety:

  • Within Settings, locate and select “Privacy and Safety” to access the relevant options.

2. Adjust Comment Settings:

a. Find Comment Controls:

  • Look for the section labeled “Who Can Send You Comments” or similar wording.

b. Choose Comment Audience:

  • TikTok offers options such as “Everyone,” “Friends,” or “Off.” Select “Everyone” if you want to allow comments from all TikTok users.

c. Confirm Changes:

  • Confirm your selection, and the changes will be applied to your account.

3. Video-Specific Comment Settings:

a. Set Comment Restrictions for Individual Videos:

  • While uploading or editing a video, TikTok allows you to customize comment settings for that specific video.

b. Privacy and Comment Restrictions:

  • In the video creation or editing screen, navigate to privacy settings. Adjust the comment settings according to your preferences, whether you want them open to everyone or restricted to friends.

4. Managing Comments:

a. Moderate Comments:

  • TikTok provides tools to moderate comments on your videos. You can delete inappropriate comments, block users, or filter specific keywords.

b. Filter Offensive Language:

  • Enable the “Filter Comments” option to automatically filter out comments with potentially offensive language.

5. Staying Engaged:

a. Encourage Positive Interaction:

  • In your video captions or verbally, encourage viewers to leave comments. This can foster a positive community around your content.

b. Respond to Comments:

  • Actively engage with your audience by responding to comments. This interaction can strengthen your connection with viewers and encourage more comments in the future.

6. TikTok’s Comment Guidelines:

a. Familiarize Yourself:

  • Be aware of TikTok’s community guidelines regarding comments. Avoid violating these guidelines to ensure a positive and safe environment.

b. Report Inappropriate Comments:

  • If you come across inappropriate comments on your videos, use TikTok’s reporting features to notify the platform and take appropriate action.


Enabling comments on TikTok is a simple yet effective way to build a community around your content. By adjusting your privacy settings and actively managing comments, you can create a positive and engaging space for interaction with your audience. Embrace the opportunity to connect, respond, and foster a vibrant community on TikTok.